Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The building blocks of mad science

A wonderful gift for that child who wishes to become a mad scientist when they grow up (or for those of you who still harbour the dream):

A Young Mad Scientist's First Alphabet Blocks from Xylocopa are a set of five blocks with all 26 letters of the alphabet beautifully illustrated. Here are the associations:

A - Appendages
B - Bioengineering
C - Caffeine
D - Dirigible
E - Experiment
F - Freeze ray
G - Goggles
H - Henchmen
I - Invention
J - Jargon
K - Potassium
L - Laser
M - Maniacal
N - Nanotechnology
O - Organs
P - Peasants (with Pitchforks)
Q - Quantum physics
R - Robot
S - Self-experimentation
T - Tentacles
U - Underground Lair
V - Virus
W - Wrench
X - X-Ray
Y - You, the Mad Scientist of Tomorrow
Z - Zombies

I would have thought 'M' would be 'Minions', but I guess 'Maniacal' will work as well. And note there are both tentacles and zombies, which makes me very happy. The set is $39.95.

Thanks to Edward Pearse, Duke of Argylle, from Through the Filter of a Victorian Aesthetic. As he puts it, 'What better way to teach budding young sociopaths their alphabet than with a set of wooden alphabet blocks?'

I think it's time to watch a little Dr Horrible now.

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