from a bit of a holiday and rest. Basically I took yesterday and today off from all jobs, it being the start of the holiday season for pagans such as myself. Actually, I practise a little differently...Halloween night starts Samhain season but I celebrate Old Samhain (the night it fell on before the calendar change, which today is November 11th for the Eve and the 12th for the day itself). Still, I decided to get a good start for the new year by taking a long weekend and straightening up the house a little bit each day in the hopes of having the books in order and things nice for the winter by Samhain itself.
Today, of course, is election day, and I cast my vote here at the library a little while ago. Fortunately for me, I apparently live in a tiny little precinct, so although the ones in the neighbouring one had to wait in line, I went right in. I also discovered that my councilmember, who was apparently running unopposed, did actually have a write-in candidate against him. Although I don't have much issue with Cegelka, I was annoyed to find him in favour of revisiting and possibly repealing the smoking ban, and so cast my vote for the write-in. Otherwise, it was pretty much as I stated the other day. I chose Duncan for school board representative. I hate to say it, I was never able to find much on the school board positions, but what little I found was on Duncan's civic service. Plus, I'm a little biased towards the name, coming from Duncans myself. Everything else was well-thought out on a variety of issues, and went as I said I would the other day: Kerry, Mongiardo, Westrom, Stinetorf, Dove, no on the anti-gay amendment, yes on a tax to support public transport. I got a phone call from my very political friend whilst in the voting booth (didn't answer, by the way, but called him back afterwards). Ah, the era of cell phones.
Well, I'm going to pick up some books here, then go over to work (yes, on my day off) to get quarters from the change machine for laundry and check out the book fair with D, and maybe get lunch. Later in the day I'm going to Alfalfa's (vegetarian-friendly restaurant of happiness) for a birthday dinner followed by watching the election returns and seeing if we'll even know the outcome of the Big Race tonight. :) Tommorrow it's back to work at both places and a visit to the hand doctor to boot.
May I just add that I love Orajel. My wisdom teeth are acting up again, due to their proximity to my sinuses. It tends to happen every autumn. This year, though, I think I'm finally over my fear of surgery (I'm actually looking forward to the carpal tunnel surgery). Early next year, after we start a new round of reimbursement eligibility, I think I'm finally going to have my wisdom teeth out and some other dental work I've put off. The reimbursement is done by withholding pre-tax dollars, so it saves quite a bit of money, and since I don't have a lot to spend, it may be my only chance to do it.
Hope you all are having a great day (and some of you, like those of us who are state employees, may actually be off today). :) And remember, if you're in the States...get out and vote!
Update: Mr Cegelka has commented that Snitch magazine misstated his position, meaning so I apologise for going with the mistaken assumption that he might favour repealing the smoking ban.
I wish it were easier to find information on local candidate platforms and positions. Does anyone know of a good site that provides an overview of such? If not, maybe we can create one, at least for Central Kentucky.
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