Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Okay, I know this sounds New Agey, but...

My friend Dwana is going thorough a just-this-side-of-surgery procedure on Wednesday, plus her friend Heather went into premature labour and they're trying to make sure both mom and son are stable before he breaks into the world. So, it'll probably be a day full of worry for both of them. So, if you are reading this, take a moment to think good, happy thoughts in their direction, say a prayer, or whatever you think might help. I know I will. It probably couldn't hurt, at least. :) Good luck, you two (whoops, three)! At least they're taking it in stride--Dwana's worried about Heather, Heather's worried about Dwana and trying to cancel her workload for the rest of the week. (It sounded like her boss brought flowers and took away her planner. :) Dwana cracked me up with a description of the baby on the sonagramme. He's sitting in it's momma's womb, hiccoughing and holding his penis in his hand. Wow, I knew they started early, but gee. Hehehehe.

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