Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Hack. Scratch. Atchoo! Sniff.

I think the rain is finally easing up, which means the mould count is heading up, and this was definitely not a good day to leave my Claritin at home. My people come from an island where it rains a lot but it's generally cooler and not so big on mould. And then of course they moved to the American South. Gack. Here's to the Canadian hight that's supposed to roll in.

And Gods know we need a respite. In addition to the little girl I blogged about, we've had a caver die in a rain-swollen cave, a little boy struck by lightning, the loss of a firefighter (not here, but in the area), and lots of property damage. And we're not talking the 'why the hell they'd build on a floodplain?' kinds of floods but the type that no one's seen water that high in generations. May was a record 6 in wetness; June's already gearing up to be on the short list, too. Don't get me wrong, I guess it's better than drought, but it's a shame we can't box the stuff up and send it to someone who really needs it.

One good bit of news (although I won't link to it, because there weren't very many details available yet), a 12-year old girl in Marion County was found alive after her mobile home was swept into a flood. She's been sent to UK but no word on her condition. Still, coming after so many other tragedies, here's hoping for something good in the news.

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