Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Very tired

Today was very nice because a friend and his son came to eat lunch with me at work, and we had a good time. After work, I went to physical therapy, where I exercised my butt off and, while I feel much better in terms of the pain, I am kind of tired. We're expecting strong, possibly severe storms overnight, with temperatures plummeting to the 50s for tomorrow. So my plan is to take a nap, charge everything this evening before they arrive so they're not plugged in during the storms, and then get up and do something fun, like watch a DVD or read for awhile. One thing I've learned from that book that I was talking about is that the midday meal was called luncheon for those Edwardian well-to-do families, but the servants' meal was called dinner. I thought that was interesting. The book is interesting and is organised in such a way that the hierarchy of status amongst servants is presented, along with wages and duties. There's even a flow chart at one point. I'm considering going ahead and purchasing it. I'll reserve judgement until I get to the end. Some of the reviewers make valid points, but at the same time, I like the way the book is laid out and the writing is not bad. It's turning out to be a fairly quick read, as I haven't had a lot of time to do so, but I'm already about a third of the way through.

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