Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, April 08, 2013

Much improvement

I was at about half the amount of pain I'd had yesterday when I woke up and decided to try to go to work. Thankfully Brandon texted me at 8 am, as I totally slept through my alarm. Why the happy sparkly 'walk in the forest' alarm didn't wake me up but a chirpy whistle did, I don't know. But I got up, shambled into the shower, made it to work, downed a couple of ibuprofen and my meds, and went about my day. It took a little while before I could truly focus, but eventually my pain subsided a good deal and I started to get some things done (although it just occurred to me I forgot something that was non-work-but-is-professionally-related, so I need to send an e-mail to a colleague in my professional organisation. Fortunately she is also an editrix for one of the journals I've written for, so I have her e-mail address here at home). Whoops. The pain started again after I'd walked around the hospital getting my data entry sheets, but not as bad as it was this morning. After work, I took a friend's advice (YKWIA's, to be exact) and went down to the YMCA and joined. I took the tour, got the key tag and parking sticker, and the plan is to bring my things with me tomorrow and start then. The only bad thing is that the water aerobics does seem to be only during weekdays when I'm at work, but I'll still benefit from the pool and exercise machines. Maybe if there's enough interest they'll add evening classes, or perhaps I could rearrange my schedule twice a week (they teach them from 9 am-10 am); I have to be at work by 8:30. I used to have a 10:30 am-7 pm schedule. Maybe I could do something like that twice a week. Of course, that would put me back into a shift differential, so it might not fly.) We'll see. They do teach yoga and other classes in the evening.

Right now I have the windows open and I'm considering putting my feet up for a bit and taking a short (30-45 minute) nap, then work on some things here. I need to take some things out to the recyclables containers but I'm not sure I should try that the way my back has been. It's not heavy, but awkward. Then I need to pay some bills and finish those game notes. Also, YKWIA told me about a couple of things I might want to watch on Netflix, plus there's the 'Grimm' DVD, the 'Downton Abbey' ones, and the 'Doctor Who' and 'Orphan Black' I recorded the other night. Whew. It might take me awhile to work my way through all this. And I think I can take my band-aid off from my annual TB test I was given today. So, off to napping I go. :)

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