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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Speaking of Doctor Who...

I took a quiz on which Doctor Who companion I would be. I'm Adric???? Okay, so I would be kidnapped--a lot. But I'm hopeless at math, let me tell you. YKWIA might agree with this assessment, though. He has to deal with me on a regular basis.

Your result for The Doctor Who Companion Test...


You are Adric. Let's be honest: only Tegan likes you. You get into all kinds of trouble, and the Master's constantly trying to kidnap you to use in his evil schemes. You're not even very pleasant to be around, what with your short temper and constant questioning of the Doctor's orders.

Still, there's no getting around the gold star for mathematical excellence. You have math skills that are second only to the Doctor's himself. I guess that's why he keeps you around.

Take The Doctor Who Companion Test
at HelloQuizzy

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