Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Life is full of adventures that are just never captured on 'Sims'

Whenever Dwana and I get together--particularly for a car ride--adventures happen. Today we went out during a rainy day at the worst possible time...the sky was very black for 3 in the afternoon and it was raining buckets. We both got soaked to the skin, our umbrellas woefully inadequate. Dwana's actully flew wrong-side-out due to the wind. Then we tried going down Fontaine, only to get to a point where the road was flooded and there was no way to get through. We went down a side street to find SUVs turning around, but it didn't seem deep--until Dwana noticed water coming up under her pedals before we'd gone more than a yard or two. If we'd gone any further she would have stalled out and I think we would have floated/taken on water. We had about eight cars behind us and one of the neighbours ran down the line telling them to back up so we could go back. We then went back the way we came, went over to her house so she could change and get things for school, stopped by my house so I could get changed, and then went over to a friend's house--this time going another way entirely. She went on to school and presumably things had dried up before she got out of class, although she called me and all of her floorboards are soaked, so she was going to use a wet dry vac on them. Bleh.

The other unfortunate thing about this is that it was over 70 degrees today and tomorrow it's not even supposed to be 50, so the temps will plummet tonight. So I've got a headache and none of us felt great at work and somehow I think tomorrow is going to be a winter wakeup call.

But at least we didn't go floating away, right?

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