Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

It's not your grand-dad's workplace...

But keep in mind that things you write on a blog are about the same as, say, broadcasting something on television and radio. Work is a big part of people's lives, so people sometimes talk about it. Which is why there's--

BLOGGER - Knowledge Base - How Not to Get Fired Because of Your Blog

Circumspect is good. Knowing your company's policies and abiding by any confidentiality agreements is better. For that matter, I'm still waiting for the test case of some blogger who's sued for libel (as opposed to slander, which, in a verbal format, is much harder to prove).

One thing the Blogger folks suggest is changing blog entry post times. Of course, it works the other way, too. So companies shouldn't assume without proof that a worker blogged during a critical project timeframe. I've occasionally changed time if I thought about something but didn't get around to blogging until much later but for whatever reason it seemed more timely with an earlier post time, for example.

I guess the sociologist inside me finds the whole phenomenon interesting. The paranoid inside me tries to give scrupulous thought to most of what I post. The free thinker in me likes to give my opinion about most anything that hits my mind at the time. I guess the trick is to balance those, right? In the case of sensitive information, security, etc., though, I think it's usually best to err on the side of paranoid.

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