Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, November 16, 2003


listening to: 'Someday' by Nickelback
feeling: Contented

From my horoscope:
Get that body moving! There's a whole world out there for you to explore and the fun is just beginning. You have increased stamina, which allows you to do some of your favorite things all day long without tiring out. It's been a long time since that's happened.

That's exactly what I've been doing this weekend. I have now run more errands, had more fun, and felt more free than I have in a very long time. I even survived a couple hours at the mall yesterday. Whether it's a five-minute trip to the grocery rather than four-hour, or hanging with friends on a weekend past the last bus (9:20pm), I've had a ball.

Today also marked the return of Brenda to the game after she spent about a month sewing frantically for a dual-cast version of Hamlet with an all-male cast alternating with an all-female one. This bright directorial idea gives costumers fits. She regaled us with stories of her trip up to Kent University to meet a friend who'd come from Britain for a sociology conference. She and her friend Hope went up and discovered the woman wistfully looking at the shopping centre across a five-lane highway and trying to figure out how to navigate without a car. They went to the mall, to Wal-Mart (where they showed her that yes, indeed, in the US you can find endcaps full of gel pens and ammunition and buy honking big guns). Then they went out exploring the countryside. Apparently everything here is 'big'. Brenda and her friend Hope just sort of looked at each other and shrugged. It wasn't even a super-Walmart. :) Then they went to some little historical site off the beaten path, the site of a Revolutionary War fort, where Brenda got to have the surreal experience of listening to a 'we whupped the Brit's and their Indian allies' asses' film whilst sitting between a woman from Britain and another who's half-Indian. Fortunately the woman is actually Irish and holds no grudges, and Hope didn't get too bent out of shape. :)

I'm sorry I haven't been typing here. I've driven something like 84 miles in 3 days--just around Lexington. I haven't gotten much sleep either. It's sort of jump-started me. I plan on going to the gym after work tomorrow now that I can get down Richmond Road without trying to catch a bus in the middle of all the construction. Also, I've been reading until the wee hours of the morning, too. I've just had more energy, although I think I'll turn in a little earlier tonight; I had a wonderful meal with friends (Curried lentils with hardboiled egg, Spanish salad (peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, olives, and onions), and clafouti). I have the happy satisfied feeling you get with good food and good companionship. So now I'm home and spending a little time with the animals and thinking of going on to bed.

So, hope you had fun this weekend. Mine was busy but productive.

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