and am in the dining area at the laptop with the fan on breeze setting. I've washed the handwash dishes and am running a load through the dish washer right now. I just filled the ice cube trays with water and took some bread out of the freezer so I'll have peanut butter and spreadable fruit tomorrow for lunch.
Tonight I plan on working on the game notes for Sunday and starting a book for a review that is due at the end of the month. I also want to tweak my online résumé and curriculum vitae, as I made a date mistake the other day when I did that in terms of when the Kentucky Medical Library Association was created from the two previous consortia that were in the state. I'd used the date of the by-laws, but going back in my e-mail at work I realised the group began meeting three years before the by-laws were actually ratified. Anyway, that's a quick change, and then to put them in .pdf format and put them back up on Google Sites will take almost no time. It will mean going over to the other computer, as it has the original files. I should update those on Dropbox so I have access to them anywhere. I think I'll do that first, then some reading. It's a fairly short book, so it shouldn't take long to go through. Then I can work on the notes.
Today went much like yesterday. I took a printout of my OR reconciliation sheets, along with my charge sheets and referral worksheets, over with me to scheduling, and worked on them in between phone calls, and that worked really well, despite it being our busiest clinic day of the week and all. I got caught up on yesterday's charge sheets this morning as a result, checked over the reconciliation, worked on preparations for referrals (although I didn't make the calls--last time I worked on one of them I was on hold for 20 minutes after being transferred twice, only to have it hang up on me, and I didn't want to repeat the experience with people trying to get through on the line). This afternoon I worked on library things and also on an error report, which involved tracking down my mistakes, crediting extra charges, and putting charges onto other encounters they should have been on. I don't normally make three mistakes in a month, so it was a little disconcerting. It was mostly things like putting charges onto similar names or going back into an encounter without realising I'd already put the charge in. I'm going to have to be more vigilant and go back to verifying my work more closely. I also realised after listening to the person in checkout that the three people I checked out yesterday, while they did get their school excuses, were never given a printout of their next visit time and details. That was a minor oops on my part. But considering I went back after eight months and pretty much just went straight into things, just asking when I couldn't remember something, I think I did alright.
I'm feeling a bit restless for some reason, although part of me wants to go on to sleep. It's a weird feeling. I keep fussing with things, straightening them up, which isn't a bad thing, mind you, I need to do more of that. It's just a little odd, this feeling.
I think I'll go in early again tomorrow. It's working out so I have some time before going over to scheduling. I got some books in from a regular order and also some children's book for the early literacy project, so I need to put those away. That will give me the opportunity to. Thursday and Friday I should just be in the library, and it'll be a slower clinic, so I can fill up the cart of children's books, at least by Friday afternoon, after clinic.
Okay, I'm going to go now. Have a good night if I don't write anymore this evening.
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