Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, November 30, 2013

So, apparently

I am allergic to sunchokes, which is interesting because someone I lived with grew them years and years ago, and I was always intrigued by them, but I didn't actually try them, as far as I remember. Sunchokes are the roots of a plant in the sunflower family; they always made a tall, cheerful plant in the garden we raised together, with their smaller flowers. But both times I had the salad we made for Thanksgiving, both last night and tonight's dinner of leftovers, I started having trouble breathing only after eating them. I know I can eat fennel and apples fine. They're is nothing in the dressing that has ever given me trouble. The only other thing in the meal I had not had before was the Quorn roast, and I ate that early and had no trouble then. So, it seems sunchokes will have to be avoided by me in the future, which is somewhat sad, as they were good both in taste and texture, and I once read their starch is good for diabetics. Oh, well. Good to know, I suppose.

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