
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Our public library allows us to download some audio books

so I'm going to try one called The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier. Here's the blurb on it from the online catalogue:
All residents of the City have recently died, and they will remain in the City only as long as someone still living on Earth remembers them. On Earth, however, the population has been devastated by terrible pandemic. Laura Byrd, isolated at an Antarctic research station, is running low on supplies and has only her memories to comfort her. The people of the City realize Laura is the common thread binding them together. But Laura, who may be the only person to have survived the pandemic, is running out of time--and her memories are fading.

The book is over 8 hours and the size of the .wav file is 120 MB, but I think I have that available on my phone. Much easier to carry around than a bunch of CDs, hmm?

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