Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dragonflies, thistledown, hummingbirds, and bats

One of the nice things about having to schlepp around without a car is that I notice more along the roadside to do with nature. Yesterday there was the green hummingbird buzzing about a crabapple looking for nectar before deciding that it was going to come up empty (the trees having bloomed in the spring and now are forming fruit). Today there was a blue dragonfly on the way down to the bus stop, plus thistledown everywhere, both blowing from across the road and on the ground. When I was a child, we pretended these were fairies, and if you caught one before it hit the ground you could make a wish and release it to let it fly. Tonight on my way home from the gas station I saw a bat flying purposefully across the sky above the car lot. If I'd been in a car, I'd have missed all these things.

There's a downside, though. My knees and ankles are unused to doing the amount of walking that I'm doing, and so at the end of the night I'm hobbling about, especially after standing at work. But that's okay; it'll get better with some conditioning.

Speaking of being uncomfortable, I've been nauseous a good bit of the day. I thought I was getting motion sick from the bus the last few days; today I felt that way before riding, and I realised that I was having issues on an empty stomach. About every 3-5 years I have a flareup of gastritis where I come close to getting an ulcer. That may be happening here. I'll discuss it with my doctor when I see him at the beginning of September. So far it's been pretty mild. But there have been times I've had to go on medication to get it under control. This has been a chronic issue since I was in my early 20s. Still, it's annoying. I'm trying to eat a little fairly often to keep something on my stomach and avoid greasy foods. Fortunately lunch at work was penne pasta with marinara sauce and a vegetable medley, so that wasn't too bad.

Well, that's all for now. Hope your week went well. Good night.

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