Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brand new day

I purposefully did not write yesterday about any events in my own life, because although the beginning was fine, the afternoon dissolved into hurt, anger, and thoughts that should not have been expressed because they might have had far-reaching circumstances. Such is life when people who are as close as family clash, when people who have known each other for more time than most people have been married have a disagreement.

So today is a brand new day. The emotions are all still there, but dampened somewhat, and I'll have some time to sort them through. It will be a difficult few days but I have faith that things will work out. That's a very different attitude than I had yesterday, where I spent three hours trying to get back home and keep it somewhat together without success, wondering if I should walk away from it all, but deciding to step back and look at the consequences for a change.

That's all I'll say on the matter for now. But if I seem a little emotional for awhile, please understand. Hopefully it will be brief, and things will soon be back on track.

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