
Tuesday, August 19, 2008


about where my ortho doctor was from, I noticed someone had made a bobble head of him that was displayed in the office with a flag I didn't recognise. Now, if you don't know where a flag is from, it can be a little hard to find, but I put in light blue and flag into Google and got the right one. The result? Argentina. I think their flag is lovely.

He didn't like the band the physical therapist gave me. It works, he says, but it has to be so tight that it can irritate the medial nerve that runs parallel to the lateral one that is already irritated. Also he doesn't want them to do e-stim on me; it can apparently tear muscle. Instead, he wants them to focus on postural exercises and for me to find some gentle exercise that I'll like and do. I do love yoga, actually, although water aerobics is another option. Walking is also fine. My elbow is doing somewhat better; he says that most of my problem is coming from the core as well as my neck, shoulders, and spine, with my posture and general lack of fitness. He'd like me to slowly work on changing how I move and my posture, even if it takes years, just making small changes at a time.

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