Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, March 23, 2013

One quick note

Anne Frank: Saplings from Anne Frank's tree take root in D.C., US
Eleven saplings grown from seeds taken from the chestnut tree that stood outside the Amsterdam home in which Frank and her family hid are being distributed to museums, schools, parks and Holocaust remembrance centers through a project led by The Anne Frank Center USA.

The first sapling will be planted in April at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. Other saplings are being sent to a New York City park honoring 9-11 victims, a Little Rock, Ark., school that was the center of a desegregation battle and sites in Massachusetts, California, Idaho, Michigan and Washington, D.C.
The chestnut tree itself, which has suffered greatly from a fungal disease, was due to be chopped down, but has been granted a reprieve for now. But even if it is lost, its legacy may live on in these various places where the saplings are planted, I think Anne would have approved.

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