Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I like this op-ed piece

Courting Cowardice
As the arguments unfurled in Tuesday’s case on same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court justices sounded more and more cranky.

Things were moving too fast for them.

How could the nine, cloistered behind velvety rose curtains, marble pillars and archaic customs, possibly assess the potential effects of gay marriage? They’re not psychics, after all.

“Same-sex marriage is very new,” Justice Samuel Alito whinged, noting that “it may turn out to be a good thing; it may turn out not to be a good thing.” If the standard is that marriage always has to be “a good thing,” would heterosexuals pass?

“But you want us to step in and render a decision,” Alito continued, “based on an assessment of the effects of this institution, which is newer than cellphones or the Internet? I mean, we do not have the ability to see the future.”
With all due respect to the justices, please get your act together. With the cases before you yesterday and today, you have the opportunity to both make history and bring the US legal system into the 21st century regarding marriage equality. The arguments against it are ludicrous. The arguments for waiting sound very similar to those who weren't ready for biracial marriage, or desegregation, etc., etc. We rely on the federal government to protect and advocate for our civil rights. Please do so, with courage.

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