Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, April 30, 2004

Oh, please

Stations to Boycott 'Nightline's' List of the Fallen

Shouldn't the people of the United States get to see the faces of the people who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms? If anyone is using this as a political statement, it seems to be the owner of the bloc of stations that are staging a blackout (read, censorship) of the programme. Newsweek has periodically provided similar content as a means of reflection, and it really helped to be able to see the faces, read a little, recognise that each of those names--and the sad thing is that, except locally, we're to the point where it's often not even a name we get in the news, but just a number, in terms of casualties--had a life, a story, a family attached.

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