Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, April 17, 2017

Busy, busy, busy

Today I:
  1. Did my laundry (three loads) at YKWIA's.
  2. Took YKWIA to an appointment.
  3. Discovered that today's mail carrier doesn't understand what the 'outgoing mail' sticky note taped to the outside of my locking apartment mailbox means. This is not normally a problem. But my payment for my librarian certification did not go out today for that reason.
  4. Got some food from Captain D's and took it to YKWIA's. They got his order right; I got tilapia instead of salmon. Oh, well, I like tilapia.
  5. Watched the season finale of 'Legion' with him on Hulu.
  6. Came home and crashed for three hours, and feel like I finally caught up on rest from the weekend.
  7. Came out and did some stuff on the computer.
Tomorrow I:
  1. Need to go over about 10 am to help YKWIA with a project.
  2. Have pulmonary rehabilitation at 1 pm.
  3. Need to take YKWIA to an appointment and to his class at the library.
  4. Should get YKWIA to go through the books in my trunk so that I can give any rejects to the library and clear out the four copy paper boxes that are in there.
  5. Need to pay for and officially file my state taxes. Federal was filed weeks ago, but I have to pay for the state taxes, and they wouldn't let me take it out of my refund. Almost forgot to finish!
  6. Should review my cover letter and apply for the job that closes on the 25th.
  7. Need to check the various sites for new job openings.
  8. Need to water all my plants.
  9. Need to give the fish water.
So far there's just one thing on Wednesday, thankfully. Tuesdays and Thursdays are pretty busy due to my rehabilitation, which last an hour and a half, so if anything else is scheduled, it can be hectic. But I'm definitely keeping busy.

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