Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I am somewhat concerned

The wind is quite fierce outside and although it's hard to tell how much snow we've had (it's largely blown off the vehicles to drift on the ground), we did get some. One local parkway was shut down earlier because a salt truck went over on the highway. It's been pretty crappy for those out there, and I'm staying home. However, even at my house, my windows are creaking horribly with the wind, like they might crack and break. They have cracked before, and were replaced, and ever since then, the wind actually comes through the window a bit, so they must not have weatherstripped well. I have a windchime and sheer on the inside of the window, normally still, but even they are moving a bit. There's a lot of howling and creaking going on. The air is full of snow, but I can't tell if it's falling out of the sky or moving a bit from the ground. Some obviously is from the roof. Not good. Here's hoping the windows don't fail.

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