Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Decidedly cranky today

My patience with people has worn thin today, although I don't know if it was evident at work. YKWIA and A definitely knew. So I'm at home alone after running some errands with/for them just keeping to myself and doing some computer maintenance/set up. Part of it is hormones. I'm also more tired than I really ought to be, I suppose. My blood sugar has been doing pretty well, so it's not that. I think I'll take a short nap and then get up and scan something for a friend and do some more computer stuff. I really am going to try not to sleep the night away.

Oh, I saw my ex today. I'm not sure if he saw or recognised me. Apparently he still works at the store. I'd gone there before work for something and he's the one who unlocked the door when they opened. I had not seen him since they moved the store and had wondered whether he was still there. Afterwards, when I was back in the car, the radio had Kelly Clarkson's song that goes, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger....' I think we would both agree that it was appropriate. :) We had a very toxic relationship that has scarred me even though the divorce was 21 years ago. I am so glad it ended.

Okay, that's it for now. I'll try to write something more interesting later. :)

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