Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I wish all paedophiles were this stupid

Alton man faces child porn charges after library staff finds images on his flash drive

The images were found by a library worker while verifying that the man was, indeed, the owner of a flash drive left behind at the library. Once the images were found, he denied ownership of the drive, and then went to a computer at the library, whereupon police were summoned, so I don't know how the case will play out. He could just deny it's his, but surely he must have indicated it was his prior to the images being found, since the police did go ahead and arrest him rather than just question him about it.

As a side note, the news service the link belongs to also published his address along with his name. Since the jury of public opinion doesn't involve 'innocent until proven guilty', that opens him up to a lot of harassment. 'Course, if he is guilty, I hope he's put away for a long time.

Thanks to Blake from LISNews for the story.

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