I've been steadily picking up odds and ends that really just need to be purged from the house or put in their respective places for about an hour and a half. Maybe the spring cleaning isn't a bust after all. I've found on those rare occasions when I'm home, if I can come in and not sit down, turn on some swing, jazz, or show tunes, and just bustle about, I' get things together pretty quickly. I've gone through the refrigerator, kitchen, dining room, and living room and thrown away quite a bit of junk mail and other detritus that builds up when you've been busy and you have animals (okay, I admit it, I'm a pack rat, it's hard to throw away stuff, but having cats jumping on things just makes it more chaotic). I've been working so late the last couple of weeks that it was nice to come in a little early, even with working at the second job. Over the next few days, I'll be getting off at the normal time, so I'll have some of the afternoons to work with.
I probably won't push it all at once--just an hour or two a day. When the house has been shut up for awhile it gets dusty, and between that and the animals shedding I'm certain to start wheezing if I push it (one of the reasons it builds up). But I want to have friends over, which means I need to have a place for them to sit and a kitchen counter to prepare food on. Just about every horizontal surface in the house had stuff on it, mostly books that I don't have bookshelves for. I may just corral all the books into the study until I can afford to display them and work on that bit by bit.
Now I need to take a break. Then I'm off to get some cleaning supplies. I probably won't be able to vaccum tonight--it's getting late enough that my neighbours probably wouldn't thank me, although actually they tend to keep the same late hours I do, so maybe it would be okay. Sometime in the next few days I'd like to steam the carpet and upholstery. What I can do tonight is run the dishwasher and get the laundry together.
Okay, Cerys is trying to make a bed out of my dirty clothes...cute but not helpful. Until later...
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