Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, August 22, 2003

Bonding through hair

I have never gone with anyone else to have my hair done. My hair has been getting quite long *yay* but that means it's likely to turn into my 70s geekazoid hanging limply natural do. So I had been thinking of getting some layers put in around Halloween. But with the job search on, I moved up my plans. Dwana was going to get her hair cut today, so I tagged along. It was a lot of fun. I'm not a particularly girly girl, but apparently I do enjoy doing girly girl things with a friend occasionally. I really love what they did to her hair--she's got a lot of natural curl. It's funny, our hair is almost exactly the same in terms of colour, texture, and sheer stubborness, although mine's more wavy than curly. I got a lot of layers put in with the back still pretty long (they didn't take more than a half-inch or so) but then soft layers going all the way up to my chin. I can still put it up if it's hot but it's got some life. (I have baby fine hair. It's a challenge. Especially when your body type is, well, big and fairly butch.) It can be flipped down for a professional look and up for a softer, fun look. :) At the moment, it looks a little beaten (it always does when it's first cut) so I'm interested to see what happens when I wash it tomorrow. And since it is a very different look for me, it was nice to have someone other than the person who came at me with the scissors reassuring me that it looked great).

What's next, a slumber party where we do our nails? :) I guess those years of reading Seventeen magazine counted for something.

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