Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, March 16, 2015

It's beautiful outside

73 degrees Fahrenheit, sunny, with a pleasant breeze, and I have opened my windows and am letting some fresh air in.  Things have greened up since I left on my trip (everything was wet and brown then), my friends' crocuses are blooming, and you would never believe that two weeks ago we were dealing with over seventeen inches of snow.

It's been a very good day.  First and foremost, the TSA found my jacket and is sending it to me via UPS. I was so thrilled to hear that.  The lady on the phone, Mary Jo, was very nice indeed, and had me arrange to get a UPS account so she could send it to me.  I had it sent to work, since getting packages at my apartment is always an issue, and let the guys in materials know it was a personal item and not something that should be invoiced.  Second, the lady who was supposed to cover for me by putting in facility charges, who was due to have her last day on Friday, apparently left on Wednesday and never came back, which didn't really surprise me greatly, although I'd hoped it wouldn't happen.  That means referrals weren't done after she left, either.  As far as the charges went, my boss and another person didn't have the permissions I do, so another co-worker put in the sheets. Otherwise I would have had a very large stack to do today.  Third, I found out that I wouldn't have to pay an extra fee for a late bill that I thought I would, which means I can pay more on other bills with this pay cheque than I thought I could.  It was the only way to make sure I had enough money for food and emergencies in Chicago.  I also got my reimbursement form for my travel expenses today, so I can turn that in tomorrow.  The food is per diem, so there's pretty much just my transit pass and parking at the airport to turn in.

The geraniums inside my window think it is already spring. I've been over-wintering them, but lately they have been blooming. Very cheery.
Geraniums in March
There is one sad thing I can hear because of the windows being open now.  There is a fluttering coming from inside one of the columns outside my apartment. I think a bird is trapped, but there is no way to get it out that I can see.  I hope it finds a way.

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