Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reason #6 for why I did not have children

This European commercial should be shown to every teenager contemplating unprotected sex. According to YKWIA, who showed it to me, it was banned in the US. Pity...

Oh, and just in case you're interested, it really is on my list:

  1. I did not want to be entangled with my ex-husband for the rest of my life.
  2. I am a wuss when it comes to pain and labour scares the daylights out of me.
  3. I do not want to pass on traits such as diabetes and depression to anyone.
  4. Granted, the above relate to biological children. But even with adoption, there remains the fact that I am, being an only child with little child care experience, rather afraid of children. Even as a child I related better with the adults (see 6 for why). I like children in theory and love many things relating to children, but when confronted by a child, especially one who is not of an age to play with, such as the very young or teenagers, I don't know how to relate. I'd be a better children's author than children's librarian or mother.
  5. I would constantly worry and obsess about my children neurotically without letting them breathe and giving them space to grow.
  6. Children are holy terrors, especially as toddlers and teenagers.
  7. The world has quite enough population, thank you, without me adding to it.

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