Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Do you think you could outrun Dave Barry...um, assuming you'd want to?

Okay, I couldn't, but it's not my age that's the problem, just my conditioning. Check out the comment on aging librarians towards the end of this piece. It's a pretty cool article. I would never have recognised Amy Tan in rocker gear. My thanks to Ann Doyle for the alert. Ah, how appropriate given the earlier remarks here on the greying of the profession. It's a good thing most librarians have a sense of humour. Otherwise Barrry might find himself felled by a book (or the dreaded sharpened CD shurikens) and find himself under a pile of us. 'Course, he'd probably love it. :)

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