Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I really need to stop eating at the computer

I just vacuumed out the keyboard with a little device I probably bought twenty years ago, then took alcohol swabs and cleaned the ergonomic keyboard I have at home thoroughly, and also the mouse. I got a lot of crumbs out of the keys, some schmutz, and generally got to see how icky the stuff that came off on the swabs was. It was getting to the point where my keys were sticking and kind of gross to try to type on. Now the keyboard is much happier. It's kind of weird because in addition to being curved for an ergonomic fit, it has buttons for things like the calculator, back, forward, to bring up the Internet or mail programs, or even zoom in. I don't use those special buttons much, but they are useful.

So what I wound up doing tonight was getting some rest (I didn't really nap, I just got off my feet and spent a little time under the fan relaxing). Then I went to Kroger and got some very healthy things like veggies, fruit, orange juice, cheese, and Morningstar Farms products. Most everything was on sale, so I scooted in at a fairly low price (not the $29 mentioned in the earlier article, but still, less than I normally spend). I'm trying to save as much as I can for bills.

I dropped some creamer off at my friends' house (half-and-half is a staple there), then came on home and put all the groceries away. A wants me to do some political research, and I couldn't stand the thought of typing on the dirty keyboard much longer, so I went ahead and cleaned it. Part of the problem is it's too high to go under my desk on the drawer, so it's always exposed to anything that I'm doing. But on further examination I've found that the front piece that makes it so high actually comes off, and so when the that's removed and the legs are put down, the whole thing does, in fact, slide under the drawer. Eureka! I think it's more comfortable for it not to be elevated as well. Thank you Microsoft for allowing it to be customised. And I still have the wrist rest and all the special buttons. Silly that I never really looked at the bottom (I only did because I noticed a tag saying there was a health warning under there) to see that the front piece had tabs and slid off. Instead I've been, if I wanted to slide the drawer in, propping the keyboard vertically on the floor against the computer tower/print stand.

I got some Vitamin D while I was at the store. I'm supposed to take 2000 IUs as directed by my doctor, since I'm deficient in Vitamin D (apparently many people are, as I know several people who have been on it or told to take it). So I got some of that because I'd been out for awhile, and went to put the tablets into my pill bottle with the rest of them, and they're not tablets, but tiny capsules, akin to Vitamin E, but smaller. This is going to be fun to juggle in the morning. On the other hand, they go down much easier, I'm sure. That makes a total of seven injections of three different medicines, thirteen pills (eleven medicines), an inhaler, allergy eye drops, a chewable multi-vitamin, and a nasal spray that I"m taking, although the inhaler is as needed. In the summer months I add another couple of pills since my ankles swell in hot weather. Oh, and an Epi-Pen when I start my allergy shots in a week or so. Plus diabetic supplies such as glucose meter, test strips, lancets, pen needles, etc. Thank God for health insurance (which covers everything but the vitamins), and also cell phone applications that will tell you when to take all this stuff. This is one reason I'm so concerned about the loss of my job when the hospital downsizes to an ambulatory medical centre in two years, and also why, if I don't find a decent job by then with benefits, I am happy that Obamacare is an option, because in the old days they would have just denied me health insurance due to my pre-existing conditions.

Okay, I suppose I should go do that research A wants me to do. He wants to know more about the candidates running for Kentucky offices before the primary in May. I should educate myself, too, so we'll just kill two birds with one stone there.

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