Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, April 13, 2015

I don't usually mind spiders

In fact,  I have a religious proscription against killing them,  often see them as messengers of the Divine,  and will take them outside when I find then,  or let them be.  But when finding a two-inch by one-inch or bigger spider in your bed,  even I tend to jump.  I tried to at least take some paper and guide it over to the plants in the bedroom,  but it disappeared under the mattress somewhere.  This does not fill me with happiness.  While I like bugs of many sorts in general,  I do draw the line at them crawling over me in the night.  Of course,  YKWIA will probably read this with glee,  as he thinks my coddling spiders is insane,  and that pretty much the only good spider is a dead one.

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