Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, April 17, 2015

Almost too tired to blog tonight

  1. 'Grimm' was very good tonight. I think Juliette is losing her freaking mind.
  2. I start allergy shots next week; my phials are in. This means I will be adjusting my workday schedule slightly so I can go in and leave early two days a week, get my shots, stick around for 30 minutes at the allergist's, and then go on about my business.
  3. A panicked when a bee flew into the car earlier today. He almost sat in my lap. Fortunately we were at the gas station at the time and I wasn't actually driving. And I got gas with the Kroger points for $1.99 a gallon. It cost $29 to fill a car from having the gas light on to full. Of course, the gas went up about 40 cents overnight, so if it hadn't of done that, it would have been even cheaper.
That's it for now. Good night.

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