
Friday, July 05, 2024

A word, if you please

Nothing against the elderly (and remember, I voted for Bernie), but don't you think it's time for the higher septuagenarians and octogenarians {and wasn't Nancy Pelosi something like 90?) to freakin' step aside and infuse some new blood into the political arena? Even Obama was a Boomer. By the time someone from Gen X becomes president, we'll probably be in our 70s and 80s, too.  But seriously, Trump's status as a felon aside...neither of these men is really qualified, in my opinion, to make decisions that include things like the nuclear codes.  I really worry about their cognition.  And I know folks say that Biden at least cares about people and he's the lesser of two evils, but that's no reason to elect him any more than Trump.  As one of my buttons from the 80s says, 'If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates'. I hate feeling like I have to vote for someone I don't care for just because I hate the other candidate. And to tell the truth, the main reason I voted for Biden the first time was I figured he'd die in office and Kamala Harris would take over, which is no reason to vote, either. And I'm not thrilled with her performance, what little I've seen of it. Sigh. Just give us a capable candidate we can believe in, please, before the world burns.

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