Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Well, it certainly wasn't the best

interview I've ever done,  but it was by no means the worst,  either.  (That distinction belongs to the old Lexington Community College,  where I not only had to deal with using a laptop and wireless mouse for the first time,  but I actually was late because I ran out of gas on the way.)

I did get a little vaguer in my examples as time wore on, as it became harder to remember specific, certain situations in customer service that I'd handled, but I thought we had a good rapport. I really hope this goes to the next level,  and not just because I need a job.  I want this job because I want to work with this clientele and with the librarians and other personnel there.  Everyone was so welcoming,  too.

At least I did calm down before going in.  About an hour and half before my appointment I was in a very nervous state,  and I was freaking because I'd left my medicine at home and didn't feel I'd be at my clearest.  But I decided  that really,  the interview was going to be conducted by fellow librarians,  who are generally nice people,  and likely will not bite or growl at me. So I just remembered to breathe and went in very calm.

Tomorrow I'll send out my thank yous. Please keep your fingers crossed for me and think good thoughts.

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