Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, November 27, 2006

Well, it's back to work

and I'm taking a quick part of my lunch to update. Yesterday was all I hoped it could be; I was very productive in preparing for the game, the game itself went well, Dee and Margaret stayed late and we all had a great discussion on various topics ranging from the Bunyip to silly neo-Pagans with staves to scary neo-Nazi Satanists, and all the time we were talking I was ticky-ticking on the keyboard and finished not only the notes from that day's game but the whole notebook! Woo-hoo! Okay, I was supposed to have finished about 18 notebooks by now. But still, it's a start, right? Plus, there was good conversation. I haven't really had fun, meaningful conversations in a group setting for a good long while, mainly because my circle of friends have shrunk as the loonies have fallen away. It was nice to talk to sane people about estoeric weirdness, too.

Today some of us at work are exchanging e-mails in preparation for our Secret Santa holiday celebration. We take a week and get little presents for someone (and in return, get them), followed by a slightly bigger gift at a party. It's very fun, and went really well last year. Two of the people are on maternity leave, so I hope they can come.

I think I'm going to get some small things for my family (I'm including a couple of friends in that category) and for the members of the game, too and cover all the bases. This year isn't as tight as past years have been, although I'm having an almost irresistable desire to get a $300 computer for a friend who has a slow not-quite-dinosaur of one, and I really can't afford that, so I AM resisting. I don't know where that idea came from, it's out of the blue, but I actually priced some. For $300 you can get a really decent computer these days.

Well, that's enough for now. Nothing in the news struck me as blogworthy. Hope you had a happy holiday. It's hard to believe that by Friday it will be December. Eek! When am I going to be able to go shopping? Oh, well, I have bills to pay first anyway. :)

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