
Friday, February 03, 2006

I'm feeling romantic and cuddly

which is a real bummer when you live alone and don't have anyone in your life to share that mood with.

I don't normally worry about being alone; in fact, I rather enjoy the freedom. But every now and then, like tonight, I feel a little more lonely than normal. I have to admit, I'd like someone to share my life with, someone who enjoys a quirky sense of humour, who can put up with my craziness, who accepts my friends and my animals. Is that too much to ask for? :)

I'm not ready for a relationship, I realise, although I'm trying to work through the issues that have kept me isolated, and I hope eventually I'll be able to have a nice normal love life. Until then, I guess, I just have to deal with occasionally missing that piece of the puzzle.

That's all for the night. I have to admit, I've been cruising A lot of the guys my age are so...old seeming. I don't really feel middle-aged; I feel more like 30-35 rather than almost 39. Now I have to admit I wish I'd been able to go to my school reunion (2 years ago would have been 20 years) to see how people have changed. It seems so weird to be nearly 40. But I can tell I'm maturing in terms of my outlook, though, and that's a good thing, right?

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