Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, May 16, 2005

Busy-ness this week

Today I'm working my main job and training at the temp phoneathon one. Plus, I'm preparing things for tomorrow, which will be the culmination of a move for which I've been preparing for weeks. I'll be off galavanting across town for that. Then there will be the aftermath to deal with. In all, I'm going to be very busy over the next six weeks, with the three jobs and unpacking. I found out the other day I can stay at the distance learning job at least until they hire a new teacher to replace my boss (who's getting married and moving to San Francisco). That means I can still get some hours in per week until the end of the summer, depending on how another job possibility turns out. I'll know more about that on Wednesday. Thursday I plan to work and then spend some time relaxing.

In retrospect it's good that I didn't get to go to the MLA conference. Who has the time??? :)

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