Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, June 21, 2002

Blogging away on my PDA...

So, it's been a couple of weeks since I lost my Internet connexion, and obviously I am not blogging regularly. I miss that a lot. I mean, I'm not sure how many of you actually read these ramblings, but I find it rather good to actually write things down. I was never particularly good at journalling (you would think that being obsessive-compulsive, I would, but no, not at all, quite the opposite, in fact. You see, I can't ever get it the way I want it. Besides, those with OCD usually have a few rather odd things that they are compulsive about to one degree or another. To get the strict approach to life that is all about anal retention, you get into the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, which has its own problems, but a quite different kettle of fish, despite the similarity in names.

Anyway, I've decided to remedy my blogging withdrawal by using my the handheld computer that is my constant companion (oohh...I guess that sounds geekier than I meant it to be). It's mainly for work, but I also use it to keep track of things like my doctors' appointments, meal plans, bus schedules, etc.

Things have actually been going pretty well. I did get ssshhh!!ed (so funny, seeing as I'm the librarian) first thing when I came into work this morning by a rather stern-faced audiovisual tech. As I was making my way to the library from picking up the paper I strayed by a room with the World Cup game between Germany and the US playing with about 4 minutes to go. Since I don't have cable, I'd been keeping track of the game on Good Morni ng America. I whooped at a point where the US barely missed a goal, prompting the "hey, there's a meeting next door". So I quieted down, wondering why they didn't have the sense to close the doors, but since the doctors who were meeting had been the ones to put on the game, I guess they'd wanted to be able to slip in and out.

Unfortunately, the US team lost, although they made a very good showing overall. They obviously played their utmost--they seemed exhausted in the end. Hopefully they'll be taken more seriously in the future. Notice I don't think our national pride rests on the outcome of a football game. Football (or soccer, for those of you who insist on calling the American game of that name football, even though it's mostly played with the hands) is one of the two sports I watch (the other being figure skating). I'm not really a sports fanatic, I guess. But I love the speed and strategy in football, and it's one of the few games I was ever able to play decently. I haven't watched much in the way of pro ball in the American league (I'm ashamed to say that before the World Cup, I didn't know there was one) but when I had cable I watched a lot of the English Premiere League play. In truth, I've always cared more about how well a game was played (of any sport) than who did the winning. That may be a girl thing. I refuse to participate in the nearly religious adoration people here in Kentucky give to basketball, although I'll sometimes catch a game. Anyway, the US team gave a good showing. I'd have liked to see the team climb higher, but I'm glad they made it as far as they did. Good luck to them next year...

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