Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, October 05, 2013

The quest for coolness

The other day I ran my air conditioner when it was a little cool (but stuffy inside), and it leaked into the walk-in closet (which might as well be called a utility closet, as I can't keep anything important in it because of the tendency to leak), filling up a bucket, a tub, and the bottom of a laundry basket. At first I thought maybe I screwed up, but I was afraid to run the air conditioner despite the summer-like temperatures we've been having. Today I turned in my rent and asked them to give it a look. Turns out it was on the fritz. The guy put something into the pipe that expelled more water and some orange goo, told me to run the air conditioner and call if there were any other problems. That was about quitting time on a Friday evening (I was only home because my gynaecology appointment got out a little earlier than I expected, and there was just about 45 minutes left of work time, so there was no point going back). Turns out that when I run the air conditioner, it doesn't kick in on 'auto', but just sits and makes a kind of gurgling sound. It is leaking just a tiny bit, so the stuff in the closet is still moved out of it and a bucket and tub are in place. All that's left are some plastic things like the shower chair and bedside commode from last year's injury. I've turned off the air conditioner after running it for four hours straight because it's finally cool in here. I will be checking in with the leasing office tomorrow, but I'm not sure if they can do anything until Monday. At least one perk to renting is that I have maintenance on hand. And I can get the air conditioner to work when I put the fan to 'on' rather than 'auto'. The guy asked me how come I didn't have boards in the ceiling of my closet. The last time this happened (this is the third time in ten years--the last time I had clothes that got horribly wet and I didn't find the leak at first), they simply didn't replace this. That apparently makes everything work harder and you can get problems up into the line. He promised I'd have some by next week.

So while this has been going on, I have stuff all over the apartments, like a vacuum cleaner, a tub of winter clothes (fortunately unscathed), canvas frames, boxes from items like the TV that are still returnable to Amazon, etc. It had been such a trying week (four appointments, lots of running around, and very busy at work, with not much time to myself) that I simply made sure I wouldn't trip over anything and then turned on the fan in the bedroom, propped my feet up on the bed, and promptly went to sleep. This was about eight. I didn't even try to pretend to listen to music or otherwise engage my brain. I just went to sleep, and I woke up a few minutes ago feeling much better.

My agenda for tomorrow:
  1. Attend the Friends of the Lexington Public Library annual book sale. Try to be judicious.
  2. Go to the Bluegrass Farmer's Market (maybe).
  3. Work on the house:
    1. Take out the recyclables (got the trash this afternoon)
    2. Put things away from the dining table
    3. Do a few dishes
    4. Clean the bathroom
    5. Get the stuff back into the closet if I can
    6. Work on some things in the living room, rearranging a bit
    7. Pot up the plants from the window boxes that are still alive individually, and retire the window boxes for the season Vacuum
  4. Do the game notes (I really was just too tired tonight; but not a lot happened--mainly a character dealt with learning she was pregnant, so it shouldn't take long)
  5. Do the grocery run with a friend
  6. Have a friend over to finally watch Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, which I have out from Netflix
So really, quite a busy day. I'm going to shoot for 2-3 pm for the grocery run, so the morning will be very busy, indeed. I'm going to try to get up very early and start on everything. So I suppose I should finish my water, go back to bed, as wake-up time is set to 5 am.

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