Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Going the extra mile for your dissertation

Female Orgasm - Brain Activity Captured In FMRI Imaging Device

Don't get me wrong, I find the study fascinating. But one of the first questions that leapt to mind was how did they do that? Well, a PhD candidate who is a sex therapist achieved orgasm by self-stimulation. As she put it, 'It's my dissertation. I'm committed to it.' Now for an MRI on the brain you have to be very still. I don't know if that's true of a functional MRI. But if so, there's a bit of challenge in that when apparently 80 different brain areas are responding in rapid succession.

Of course, if they can pinpoint those areas of the brain, they can maybe figure out why other people do not achieve orgasm, or even figure out other ways to fire those pleasure centres.

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