Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Almost sad

My ride and I came across a duck which was stunned in the middle of the road tonight right by my apartment complex. We couldn't tell if it were hurt, although it was flapping its wings like making snow angels while on its back. We were trying to figure out what to do for it, and weren't sure, so she dropped me off and went back. I was checking on the animal control number (figuring that they could either help it, or if it were too far gone, put it out of its misery). Meanwhile Lindsey called, and another lady had stopped for it and had gotten it off the road and it went running into the bushes. Hopefully it isn't hurt badly. I suspect it may have been the duck my apartment leasing office feeds, the one that took a dip in our pool last summer once while I was going by. In retrospect we should have just gotten out of the car and picked it up right then. But it all worked out. I hope it's okay.

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