Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, March 06, 2011

I finished the notes earlier today

and then caught up on the news online and downloaded some free books as well as a collection of philosophy works and Greek plays (I'm not quite sure why modern philosophers and ancient theatre were together, but hey, it had 75 works in it, some of which are duplicates of what I have (including Plato and Aristotle) but most are not.) Anyway, I read about the life of Giordano Bruno (his 'An Ethical Poem' is included in the collection, along with a commentary on his life.0 I had some passing knowledge of him (I knew he was a philosopher with Arian leanings who was burnt as a heretic), but he'd been incorporated in passing to the novel I'm reading and I wanted to know more.

After that I fell asleep for a couple of hours, but got up around 11:30 to check my blood sugar, take my insulin, and eat a small snack. I've eaten too much bread today, I think, as I was trying out a toaster (they were $7 at Kroger for a name brand, and I was craving toasted bagels) and my blood sugar's a little wonky as a result. At least tomorrow is another day. Actually between getting up so early, working on the house for several hours, and snacking a bit on healthy food for several hours rather than definite meals, my blood sugar tends to run pretty well on Sundays. Last Sunday it was actually down to 104, the lowest it's been in years, and it never got over the 140s even with grapes. :)

Okay, I think I'll go ahead and go back to bed. Tomorrow I don't have to be there early, just my normal time of 8:00, but that still means I need to get up at 5:30 to get there on time on the bus. :(

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