Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh, I so hope everything works out alright for this family

Baby's survival being called a miracle

Campbell Brielle Anglin, although very tiny and only a couple of days old, has already defeated some pretty amazing odds. Her parents have been trying to have a child for several years, suffered a miscarriage 6 months before this pregnancy, only to be told that the pregnancy was a twin molar one and likely to terminate on its own. The mother's complications were so great that Monday they took the baby by caesarean at 27 weeks gestation (that's 9 weeks early), but she was thought to be dead. Only once she was held by her parent did she start crying and they realised that she was alive. It was truly a miracle.

She still has an uphill battle, of course, and she's so tiny her father's wedding ring fits around her leg, but she's already been through a lot. I wish her and her family well.

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