Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm wet and cold and ready for bed

A friend of mine works second shift, so the best time to make the every-two-weeks grocery run is midnight, and it usually lasts two hours. Tonight was normal, except it's raining pretty hard. Don't get me wrong, we've been in a drought and need the rain. But with loading two cartfuls into and then out of the car, I got pretty wet. And even though it's in the 50s, it is a cold rain.

Now I'm home and have changed clothes. My mood has been somewhat mitigated by a lovely tangerine, the first of the season that I've eaten. I picked them up because they looked nice and were a very good price, then shared some with a friend, since I won't eat a whole bag fast enough.

It's been a good day. I found out that I passed the inspection. They thought the apartment looked very nice. Yay!

I got home early tonight (8 pm) and tried to work on notes, but just couldn't focus. I guess it's not close to the deadline enough to panic and get some adrenaline. I really have to get over this procrastination. So, instead, I'm getting up early tomorrow to work on them (or at least, that's the idea).

I applied for a job at the branch of the public library that's down the street (within walking distance) of me. It's a reference position that pays $33,000-$52,000 a year. I think I'm pretty qualified, and I have my certification now, so that won't be a problem. The only stumbling block I see is my misdemeanour record when I was having trouble with cheques I'd written. I addressed that in my cover letter. The application says that it isn't necessarily a disqualifier, and of course, I think a felony would be far more a problem, but I didn't get the job at Jessamine County because of that record. The nice thing about the job is although it's primarily reference, it also has got a cataloguing component, which is what I actually specialised in school. I miss cataloguing. It also deals with authority control, which is what I did as a graduate assistant. I have to admit...I love authority control. There's something very satisfying about correcting incorrect entries and making them uniform, bringing order from chaos. :)

Good night.

PS I found my old webcam and tried it out, getting the above picture. It's not great quality, but it was still fun to play with it. Somehow I don't see me going onto YouTube anytime soon, though. :) I definitely need to get my hair cut before I go on any job interviews, that's for sure, to give it some body.

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