Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, September 11, 2008


My house is a mess. I come home, throw things down, and either work on the computer or go to sleep. Today my mother called at 3:45 pm to say that they were bringing my car registration up (from what I assumed was Stanford), giving me about a 45 min window to run about madly picking stuff up. It still looked like a train wreck when they arrived 30 minutes later.

I so need to take care of the house, even if it's about an hour a day. I'm a slob, and even I'm not happy with it, and frankly, I'd prefer it to be nice and clean so I can do things like yoga. I'm such a hoarder, I have boxes in my living room floor and papers everywhere. I think it's time to go back to therapy for a host of reasons, this being one.


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