Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, September 25, 2008


via JediLibrarian:

Polar Bears Resort to Cannibalism as Arctic Ice Shrinks

Don't believe in global warming? The polar bear's habitat is shrinking so quickly that the bears are starving and attacking each other to survive. But you know the scariest thing about this article?
'Some scientists believe that in just five years, the Arctic may be ice-free during the summer.'

The Arctic without ice? Some people are excited, because new shipping lanes will open up. But at what price? The polar bear is just one piece of the puzzle. As our climate changes, how will it affect the Earth, and of course, us?

People tend to forget that the Earth will survive climatic change, asteroid impacts, nuclear war, etc., although changed. But we won't necessarily, and if we don't do everything we can do to survive, then I guess that's evolution. But I hate the idea of taking other species with us.

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