Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm getting a late start on my first day of vacation

but since I got two hours' sleep on Saturday night, I'm cool with that. I just ate breakfast I think today will be relax day as a transition into working on projects, since there's not much time to work on notes or clean this afternoon. I have an appointment with my counselor at 3 pm, and I'm working an extra shift for my boss from 4-8. Then there's Heroes! I didn't have my Internet connexion when it premiered, so I didn't blog, but let me tell you, I was very excited. And Mohinder has gone down the much-travelled road of comic book mad scientist geniuses who inject themselves with untested serums. Agh! I'm not sure what he's transforming into (insectoid, perhaps), but it's no doubt going to be very, very bad, and hard to hide. I hope I can do an hour or so of notes tonight.

I spent part of my time last night on the site for the newest Saturday Night Live's Palin sketch (with Amy Poehler as Katie Couric interviewing Tina Fey as Sarah Palin). It's not as funny as last week, but the comments were very intersting. A person writing under the name CristinaMariaV refers to Obama as the anti-Christ and makes several racist comments about Jews and Blacks. I went ahead and flagged the racist comments because, well, although I believe in free speech, it doesn't really apply to hate speech. It was good to see that several other comments were people writing against such racist remarks. You can't take anything on the Internet at face value, but this person (who I assume is female, but have no proof) left remarks that give a particularly nasty look at an ignorant and racist mind.

Okay, I'm going to go for now. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have seen some comments of CristinaMariaV too. She could suffer from endogene psychosis. The comments are highly paranoid.
There's a lot of people in the internet who either suffer from mental diseases or are cowardish assholes and abuse the anonymity.
I hate to come across them but I could only avoid them by not surfing in the net anymore.