
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Thought it might be good to do one or two of these since it's been awhile

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book II, V.

For not observing the state of another man's soul, scarce was ever any man known to be unhappy. Tell whosoever they be that intend not, and guide not by reason and discretion the motions of their own souls, they must of necessity be unhappy.

This one, I think, calls for the individual to focus on their own soul, conscience, thoughts, life, rather than observing (and judging) that of others, because of course, we can't really know another person's throughts and feelings.  It would be better to master one's own self than try to master that of others, or try to assign motivations to others when we don't have all the data.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book II, VI.

These things thou must always have in mind: What is the nature of the universe, and what is mine—in particular: This unto that what relation it hath: what kind of part, of what kind of universe it is: And that there is nobody that can hinder thee, but that thou mayest always both do and speak those things which are agreeable to that nature, whereof thou art a part.

The connexion between us as humans and the greater natural world is not adversarial or separate.  We are a part of the universe around us, and as such we should try to learn as much about it all as possible, while recognising that our interactions with it are in our control, and only those.  We cannot control the rest of creation, but rather our own actions within it.

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