
Saturday, August 31, 2024

I tend to listen to one singer's or band's music over and over for awhile before moving on

These are the albums I've been listening to of late:
  • Sia 'This is Acting'
  • Cian Ducrot 'Victory'
  • Rag'n'Bone Man 'Human'
I love lots of different music. I've enjoyed these. Music is very important to me. I don't play an instrument, I can sing but I'm not great, but I really appreciate music and love listening to a lot of it. It's the one thing I can easily enjoy doing when all other things are being difficult. Sometimes I can't read, or do hobbies, but I can listen. Lyrics are just as important to me as the music itself. Music enriches life, and I'm very happy I can listen to it.

Found on Facebook

When I read John Hersey's 'Hiroshima' in college, this is what horrified me more than any other immediate consequence of the bomb.


Have you seen the Samsung advertisement where they are in a foreign restaurant and use their phone to translate on the Samsung Flip6 [or the bigger one, the Fold6] by doing one side with English (the one facing you, the front screen) and another showing the translation into the other language on the cover screen (the one on the outside of the phone)? In the Flip6 the cover screen is fairly large, taking up the whole upper side of the folded phone. I don't have one, though I would like one, but I just paid off my Flip4 and can't justify the expense.

I did just see an article, though, that showed the Google Translate app (not the Samsung version on the Flip6) that allows me to do the same thing on my Flip4. Woo-hoo! The only problem is that my screen is about 1"x3", so it's much smaller. But it still works. Hee hee hee. This might work when I have a family member at work who is speaking a longer Spanish conversation than I can follow and respond to given my intermediate Spanish.

Google Translate Quieyly Added a Dual-Screen Conversation Mode for Foldables using Android 14.

Friday, August 30, 2024

I just spent

A good bit of time redesigning this blog. I took an existing theme (credit at the bottom of the page) and changed the colours and fonts. They are some of my least favourite colours (you'd think I'd have kept the purple), but they work well with the book background and a good librarian blog should have books. :)

Let me know what you think.


New Imaging Technique Identifies Autism Markers with 95% Accuracy

Summary: Researchers have developed a system that detects genetic markers of autism in brain images with 89-95% accuracy, potentially enabling earlier diagnosis and treatment.

This method, which identifies brain structure patterns linked to autism-related genetic variations, offers a personalized approach to autism care. The technique, called transport-based morphometry, could transform the understanding and treatment of autism by focusing on genetic markers rather than behavioral cues.

Key Facts:

  • The system uses brain imaging to spot autism-related genetic variations.
  • Accuracy of the method ranges from 89-95%, promising earlier diagnosis.
  • This approach could shift autism diagnosis from behavior-based to genetics-based.


Citation: Thomas, Dylan. Collected Poems: the Original Edition. New York: New Directions Books, 2010 [original publication date 1938], 210 pp.

I have adored Dylan Thomas since I first read 'Fern Hill'. This is a wonderful edition.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Saturday, August 03, 2024

I had a scare Tuesday before last

I woke up confused and unable to walk down the hallway without going into the walls. My speech was slurred. My roommate tried to get me to sit down on the bed and I went about three directions and I had no control over my body. He got me up on the bed and we called 911. I went to the emergency room in an ambulance, and the upshot was I may have had a TIA (transient ischemic attack) or at the very least stroke-like symptoms. Two CTs and an MRI ruled out a full-blown stroke, at least. People suffering from TIAs have a 1 in 3 chance of having a stroke within one year, so it's definitely a wakeup call. They put me on a low-dose enteric-coated aspirin and upped my Lipitor. Hopefully that will help prevent further issue. I was off for a couple of days from work. My neuroloist, when I saw him, was of the opinion that it was brought-on by stress and I should find another job. That's easier said than done.