
Saturday, August 31, 2024


Have you seen the Samsung advertisement where they are in a foreign restaurant and use their phone to translate on the Samsung Flip6 [or the bigger one, the Fold6] by doing one side with English (the one facing you, the front screen) and another showing the translation into the other language on the cover screen (the one on the outside of the phone)? In the Flip6 the cover screen is fairly large, taking up the whole upper side of the folded phone. I don't have one, though I would like one, but I just paid off my Flip4 and can't justify the expense.

I did just see an article, though, that showed the Google Translate app (not the Samsung version on the Flip6) that allows me to do the same thing on my Flip4. Woo-hoo! The only problem is that my screen is about 1"x3", so it's much smaller. But it still works. Hee hee hee. This might work when I have a family member at work who is speaking a longer Spanish conversation than I can follow and respond to given my intermediate Spanish.

Google Translate Quieyly Added a Dual-Screen Conversation Mode for Foldables using Android 14.

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