Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


We went to Good Foods Co-op and three Kroger stores,  hunting for ingredients for Thanksgiving.  Then we made pumpkin soup,  a vegetable dip (not for dipping veggies,  but rather made from veggies to put on crackers). YKWIA also made fish cakes for us to eat tonight.  I just got home.  At least it's a little earlier than last time.

Tomorrow is a run to Costco and Fresh Market,  and then we'll toast hazelnuts,  make cranberry sauce with port,  a pie, and put together an apple salad.  That leaves nine of the fourteen dishes to make on Thanksgiving.

Okay,  I'm going to go to bed.  Good night.

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